State Well Number 3155504 is 199.65 feet below land surface on 2024-10-06

Well Information

All data are provisional and subject to revision. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing these data. For additional information, including water level and water quality data, search the TWDB Groundwater Database (GWDB).

County Erath
State Well Number 3155504
Status Active
Period of Record 2000-02-09 to 2024-10-06
Entity/Cooperator Texas Water Development Board
Aquifer Trinity
Formation Twin Mountains Formation
Aquifer Type Unconfined
Well Depth (ft below land surface) 332.00
Instrument Transducer
Transmission Satellite
Groundwater Conservation District Middle Trinity GCD
Groundwater Management Area 8
Estimated Land Elevation (ft above sea level) 1231
Location (lat, long) (32.1984500, -98.1805778)
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Data Summary

Date Daily High
Water Level
(ft below
land surface)
Height Below
Most Recent
Most recent 2024-10-06 199.65 - n.a. -
1 day prior 2024-10-05 199.67 0.02
2 days prior 2024-10-04 199.58 -0.07
1 week prior 2024-09-29 199.54 -0.11
1 month prior 2024-09-06 200.99 1.34
3 months prior 2024-07-06 200.41 0.76
6 months prior 2024-04-06 197.22 -2.43
1 year prior 2023-10-06 202.65 3.00
oldest 2000-02-09 187.85 -11.80