East-Texas Climate Division Reservoirs: Monitored Water Supply Reservoirs are 99.3% full on 2025-02-21

Historical Data

Date Percent Full Reservoir Storage
Conservation Storage
Conservation Capacity
Today 2025-02-21 99.3 12,712,322 9,817,834 9,886,943
Yesterday 2025-02-20 99.4 12,748,906 9,827,127 9,886,943
2 days ago 2025-02-19 99.5 12,782,376 9,836,910 9,886,943
1 week ago 2025-02-14 98.7 12,543,402 9,756,093 9,886,943
1 month ago 2025-01-21 95.9 12,039,543 9,480,375 9,886,943
3 months ago 2024-11-21 90.5 11,152,996 8,947,839 9,886,943
6 months ago 2024-08-21 96.2 12,007,329 9,641,030 10,023,049
1 year ago 2024-02-21 98.4 12,289,414 9,732,220 9,886,943

 Percent Full is based on Conservation Storage and Conservation Capacity and doesn't account for storage in flood pool.

Area Map

Reservoir Storage

Reservoir Percent Full Water Level
Height Above Conservation Pool
Reservoir Storage
Conservation Storage
Conservation Capacity
Surface Area
Athens 100.0 440.47 0.47 30,427 29,503 29,503 - n.a. -
B A Steinhagen 95.6 82.70 -0.30 66,230 66,157 69,186 9,959
Bob Sandlin 100.0 337.87 0.37 206,450 192,417 192,417 - n.a. -
Caddo 1 100.0 170.21 1.71 175,736 29,898 29,898 30,512
Cedar Creek 99.5 321.91 -0.09 641,842 641,743 644,686 32,642
Cherokee 100.0 280.37 0.37 46,308 40,094 40,094 - n.a. -
Conroe 100.0 200.99 -0.01 417,406 417,379 417,577 19,889
Cypress Springs 100.0 379.20 1.20 70,688 66,756 66,756 - n.a. -
Fork 99.5 402.89 -0.11 633,592 602,149 605,061 26,403
Gibbons Creek 88.4 245.79 -1.21 24,448 22,744 25,721 2,303
Houston County 100.0 260.51 0.51 18,330 17,113 17,113 - n.a. -
Jacksonville 100.0 422.21 0.21 25,976 25,670 25,670 - n.a. -
Lake O' the Pines 100.0 230.52 2.02 278,349 241,363 241,363 - n.a. -
Livingston 100.0 131.53 0.53 1,645,406 1,603,504 1,603,504 - n.a. -
Martin 99.2 305.88 -0.12 75,133 75,133 75,726 4,932
Monticello 87.1 337.69 -2.31 30,264 30,264 34,740 1,792
Murvaul 100.0 265.73 0.43 39,771 38,285 38,285 - n.a. -
Nacogdoches 100.0 279.47 0.47 40,561 39,522 39,522 - n.a. -
Palestine 100.0 345.62 0.62 381,814 367,303 367,303 - n.a. -
Sam Rayburn 100.0 166.16 1.76 3,076,782 2,857,077 2,857,077 - n.a. -
Striker 98.0 292.83 -0.17 21,468 16,546 16,878 1,941
Sulphur Springs 100.0 459.50 0.55 18,835 17,747 17,747 - n.a. -
Toledo Bend 2 97.7 171.30 -0.70 4,373,702 2,184,801 2,236,450 179,177
Tyler 100.0 375.56 0.18 78,136 72,073 72,073 4,759
Wright Patman 100.0 227.03 6.43 294,668 122,593 122,593 - n.a. -

Caddo Lake straddles the border of Texas and Louisiana, Texas has rights to 50% of Lake Caddo's total conservation capacity. Percent full, conservation storage and conservation capacity are based on the Texas share.


Toledo Bend Reservoir straddles the border of Texas and Louisiana, Texas has rights to 50% of Toledo Bend Reservoir's total conservation capacity. Percent full, conservation storage and conservation capacity are based on the Texas share.